Dr. Dalit Weisman Specializes in Integrated Nutrition Therapy and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for those who struggle with appetite, food, eating and body image.

Dalit’s professional stance is a fully Non-Diet Health at Every Size approach. She has completed a PhD in Prevention Medicine at Tel-Aviv University; 3 years of training in Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy at Bar-Ilan University; 2 years of a certificate training in CBT and MBCT training.

She is a member of the Israeli Interdisciplinary Association of Psychotherapy.  Dalit’s practice Integrates Nutrition Therapy at the Shalvata Mental Health Institution and she partakes in the professional trainings on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. She also maintains a private practice for Emotional Eating and Body Dissatisfaction.

Dalit Writes:

I am proud to be a graduate of such a professional, thorough and experiential program the relevance of which keeps increasing with time.