
Mindfulness-based Therapy

  • Personal practice and study
  • Theoretical understanding
  • Clinical applications

For detailed course descriptions 

First year: 270 academic hours
Mindfulness in interpersonal communication – 75 hours. Instructor: Shantam Zohar
The roots of mindfulness in Buddhism – 75 hours. Instructor: Maty Lieblich
Mindfulness and Psychoanalysis – 50 hours. Instructor:  Dr. Yakir Krichman
Theory and practice of Mindfulness Based clinical approaches-  the Theoretical model of ACT- Acceptance Commitment Therapy – 50 hours. Instructor: Dr. Yaara Nizan
CFT- Compassion Focused Therapy – 20 hours . Instructor: Gabo Weis

Second year : 250 academic hours
Mindfulness and interpersonal communication in clinical setting – 70 hours. Instructor: Shantam Zohar
Mindfulness – Contemporary research: 70 hours. Instructor: Maty Lieblich
Mindfulness and Psychoanalysis Clinical group supervision – 45 hours. Instructor: Dr. Yakir Krichman
ACT Clinical group supervision – 45 hours. Instructor: Dr. Yaara Nizan
CFT – Compassion Focused Therapy Supervision – 20 hours. Instructor: Gabo Weis

Third year: 80 academic hours
Clinical supervision. Instructors: Dr. Ran Almog, Shantam Zohar, Maty Lieblich.

Full Description of the Courses
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